Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Different Kind of Staple

It was suggested that I show my "range" right off the bat (I am tempted to continue with perfect basic clothing essentials - I will return to that path shortly as I am committed to sharing these jewels).

For those of you who are knowers (knowers, seekers . . .youll catch on), you know that a glass of true southern sweet tea is bliss. Even those not blessed with a southern upbringing or southern friends may have caught wind of this piece of heaven in a glass. Still, sadly I cannot call myself a true southern lady as I do not brew tea every morning. I admit it. I have, however, found the perfect store bought sweet tea. (I should say here the perfect store bought sweet tea above the mason dixon line where publix does not exist bc their's is the real deal).

I first tried all of the teas advertised as "southern" sweet tea. Gross and Gross. Syruppy yuckiness. Then I tried a northern Turkey Hill regular iced tea. Grosser. And what is all that pulp-like film in the bottom of the jug????

I decided to put that quest on hold and go in an entirely different direction. Turkey Hill has a Green Tea (unexpected, I know! also comes in diet). I tried it. I love it. It is mild like my nana used to make it and sweet without being sickening. The perfect substitute *sometimes these are the best finds as they give us options in this big ole world.

(also comes with mango flavoring - not the perfect southern sweet tea substitute, but a nice drink by itself)


Unknown said...

She's gonna be killer when she learns about links.

momsharon said...

I concur with this opinion(and I used to make real iced tea every morning just like my mother and grandmother before me).